Monday, July 11, 2011

Shar Interviewing Shar - Thanks To Maxabella Loves

Maxabella Loves has conducted a self interview tonight and encouraged us to join in - so here goes.

Shar enters set, sits awkwardly -  obviously unsure of what to do with her hands -  and proceeds to turn a delightful shade of red. Slurps what smells suspiciously like wine and interview begins...

My earliest memory is... 
hazy (not because of the wine). When I return to Ireland and people relate stories of kindy and preschool days with me, I am guilt ridden and nod along like a shmuck. However, I do remember every inch of our little town (although it's even littler than I remember) and can recall the very smell of my grandparents' place.
My school report usually said...
lots of #1s over and over. (Before outcomes, indicators, stanines and bell curves). I was a people pleasing nerd. Music excepted. Damn Music.
My first relationship...
was ridiculous, pathetic and forced. Although my first real one was pretty special and awesome - the epitome of high school sweethearts. (Who became grown up broke ups.)
I don't like talking about... 
myself. Write, yes. Talk, not so much. And cats. I find it hard to be diplomatic.
However, get me started on Magoo and you can safely tune out for days.
My most treasured possession is... 
photos. Memory prompters are becoming more important as I 'mature'.
My father always told me... 
worse things have happened to nicer people. Too true, Dad.
In the movie of my life, I'd be played by... 
some poor buck toothed, freckly lass and then a busty, athletic supermodel for the parts yet to come!! Ha ha!
I wish I had...
just some resemblance to a busty, athletic supermodel! Really - I wish I had...perspective in extra large doses.
I wish I hadn't...
ooooh - too raw to mention!!
Let's go with - persisted with an uphill battle.
Stubborn or commited? Naive or plain stupid?
My most humiliating moment was...
hard to choose. Pretty sure I was born with my foot in my mouth and the coordination of a newborn giraffe. My cheeks have been flaming at regular intervals for thirty odd years now.
My guiltiest pleasure is...
running, unfortunately. I would rather it was just my pleasure. Chocolate and wine are up there too. Hence the need for the running! Shopping, reading and swearing have probably earnt their place here too.
My last meal would be... 
liquid? Ok, (cooked) japanese food or eggplant parmi. With a beverage to wash it down.


Shar shifts uncomfortably, drains the glass and asks "Is that it? Can I go now?"


Lou said...

Hehe! I knew you'd be up for doing this too...
I love the photo at the end, it says "woohoo I'm done!", very end-of-marathon-esque...


Maxabella said...

Loved the addition of a couple of wines in there... x

MultipleMum said...

Cute. I do wish you'd written more about the romance and humiliation... is that just mean? x