Monday, June 13, 2011

Point + Shoot : Triple P

Friday : Well past bedtime o'clock

The smug face of a little boy who knows he should be tucked up in bed.
Instead he was hanging out at a big kids disco @ Mummy's school
followed by a meal of tasty, trans fatty junk goodness!

I shall file this one under 'The Other PPP - *Piss Poor Parenting'.
Especially as I posted this just the other day.
(Not the same establishment, for the record!)

To see much more commendable parenting,
pop over to Lou's Point + Shoot @ Sunny + Scout

Shar :-)

* The Other Triple P is in fact a genuine in house teacher reference!
It is used to describe reasons which may contribute to a student's inability to reach their potential - such as continual late nights, inadequate nourishment for the school day, lack of guidance, general abuse and neglect...


Kelly said...

aww what a cutie xo

HappeningsOfUs said...


Lou said...

Haha, I remember having to er, refer parents to the PPP program - do I have to do the same thing to you young lady?

Little mister, you are GORGEOUS!

Mrs M said...

yeap any little brother will have thought they'd struck gold with a night out like that. Look at that smile. lol.

The barefoot lifting witch said...

Oh, he's gorgeous.
I have a few photo's myself that I can file under piss poor parenting ;-)