Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Mouths (and ears) of Babes

Thank you sweet Sunny, from
Sunny & Scout
~ ~

Sitting in our happy place, the toilet, with Master Magoo on the throne...

Magoo : Mummy, you be Nanna and I be Dada (Grandad).
Moi : Okay. I'm Nanna and you're Grandad then.

Pause to assume roles.
Magoo : (yells suddenly) What Nanna? What Nanna? WHAT???
Moi : (just about pee on the toilet floor, laughing)

Let's hope Magoo doesn't turn the tables and go to his Gradparent's with a bit of "You be Mummy, I be Daddy" business anytime soon.

~ ~

Magoo's little 3 year old friend : What's this?
                                              (Covers one eye with one hand).
                                              My eye pad!!! (Mum's new toy.)

~ ~

Moi : Wow! Lyssy's going to be six in a couple of months.
Magoo : Sick for coupla months?  Lyssy go doctor, Mum?

~ ~

Enjoying a catch up with a beautiful friend and her bub at Coffee Club.
Magoo had finished his "baby tuna" and gingerbread treat so interrupted our conversation with a lovely, loud
"I got  good idea. Let's go home."

Go on, share.

Shar :-)

"You be Mummy and I be Daddy" xx


Mum on the Run said...

Sorry, Lou. you comment got inadvertently erased in the Blogger crash of May 11.

The barefoot lifting witch said...

They say the sweetest things don't they!!
I'm always afraid they'll play the "I'll be the Mummy, you'll be the Daddy" game when they are out in public.
I'd at least want to be able to defend myself to appalled onlookers.