Saturday, May 21, 2011

Grateful For... My Merry Trio

Today I am so, so grateful to have my little family back together.
It has been weeks since the three of us have occupied the same space, shared time, hung out and laughed stupidly.
Getting reacquainted is fun and watching Magoo showing Daddy all his new tricks is pathetically gorgeous.
I play the part of the proud puppy trainer remarkably well.

Playing along with
  at Maxabella Loves

* Plus, I ran 35km in three hours this morn.
Grateful for these sore pins of mine.

Shar :-)


Maxabella said...

Shar, I can't even fathom running 35kms, regardless of the time it might take. That's incredible.

Have a happy day with your lovely fam. x

The barefoot lifting witch said...

35km in three hours!!
I'm doing 3km in a hour at the moment and thinking I'm all that and a bag of potato chips.
Well now that's dissapointing.
I may just have to go and console myself in some more ice-cream.
Your pins are going to look bloody fantastic.

Anonymous said...

35kms!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay you - you are awesome :) welld one indeed.

All For Love said...

Hooley Dooley! You are on a fast track to that marathon lady! 35km, my. word.
I think the most I've ever done is 10km, but I do enjoy sand running... so find myself doing less km's. You've inspired me to push the pain barrier and run long and hard tomorrow ;o)