Friday, December 2, 2011

Grateful For... Uma

Not Thurman. (Though, she is beautiful.)
The sense of... kind.
The crack a smile, have a giggle, laugh 'til you snort stuff.
It's been a week.
A week of disappointments and delights.

I won't bore you with the details of the failings of my week.
They don't outnumber the laughs - and that's what matters.

As someone who spends a great deal of time with one foot lodged firmly in her mouth or stepping on someone's toes,
I am mastering the art of turning pain into a punchline.

I love being surrounded by people who are up for a laugh and can see the lighter side of life. People who inject their wit into even the most frustrating situations
and can see the 'uma' in their misfortune.

I'm grateful to have a Hubby who happily laughs at himself (or me) and a partner in crime to laugh with when Magoo is clearly temporarily possessed by an evil demon spirit.

I'm grateful for friends - and bloggers -  who make me giggle (usually at inappropriate times) with the memory of their comment or a long running joke.

I'm grateful for the hilarious antics of the students at school and colleagues who find the time to share a laugh amongst the crazy schedule we're chasing at the moment.

Linking with Maxabella Loves' Grateful For...

I hope your weekend is full of laughs.
The gasping for air, slapping your leg, belly aching, tears rolling variety even.

Shar :-)


My Beautiful World said...

that's why I visit you Woman grateful for that, I'm with you life too short not to roll around the floor in laughter, enjoy your day my friend.

Always Wendy

Jodi @ Lipgloss Mumma said...

As long as the laughter outweighs the rest, that is a good week :)

Deb @ home life simplified said...

Love that "they don't outnumber the laughs" - great perspective! So much to be grateful for and laughter is a fab one!

Maxabella said...

Life is just too short to not have a laugh as often as possible. And really, we are all just too silly not to laugh at ourselves. Life is rather humourous at the end of the day!

Hope next week sees more laughs than not-laughs... x

Jane said...

Oh Shar - I'm always here if you need a giggle. You make me do it most days with your witty comments ☺. J x said...

Thanks Shar for reminding me. I too am grateful for laughter and humour - it definitely gets me through all kinds of crazy - it is both my life vest, and and my flare, when out in the sea of Autism.

Anonymous said...

As I have always said 'if we dont laugh we cry' know what I would rather be doing!!

Peggy said...

As always I find you looking at the brighter side. And as always I leave your blog feeling that little bit lighter. :)

Kate @ Our Little Sins said...

I hope your week has fewer perceived failings and many more high points.

Life Love and Hiccups said...

Everything will be ok as long as the laughs out number the tears.
I hope everything is ok gorgeous girl. You know we are here for you if you need us :) xxx

All For Love said...

Ah yes, firmly believe that laughter is the best medicine Shar... I get plenty of belly chuckles popping in here each day :o)
I also had a night of uncontrollable giggles last night... a big night out for the Mama of 2 boys... and she is as dusty as a dirt road today ;o) xo

posie blogs Jennie McClelland said...

Oh laughter, for me it fixes everything. My children have brilliant senses of humour & one thing i do learn while my husband is on the other side of the world at war, is that he can make me laugh, hard, thigh slapping snorting laugh, normally at myself, we still have a great laugh. I said tonight on the phone, "you'll be home just in time for our 15th wedding anniversary" & he said "will i??" meaning "i have no idea when we got married, that is year & date!!" Bless his heart, i'm not one of those women who goes bonkers over a husband forgetting my birthday or our wedding anniversary, any day with him around is worth celebrating.
Here's a much happier week for you, hanging out in your ensuite & enjoying your new fabulous renovation. Love Posie

The barefoot lifting witch said...

What a beautiful post. You have to be positive in life. You just have to be. If we stop for a moment and let the not so positive things consume us, what is there left to live for? Smile and the world smiles with you xx