Friday, December 16, 2011

Grateful For... Holly Days, Holy Days & Holidays

Although Maxabella Loves is granting 'Grateful For...' a much deserved holiday,
I can't help but close my week with some gratitude.

I've gotta go with the obvious here.
I'm now in the throes of school holidays, soon Hubby will be jumping on the holiday bandwagon and Magoo will have himself a non-school-aged-kid version of holidays too.

This time of year seriously makes me giddy.
As a teacher, a sun worshipper, a cheesy Christmas lover, a parent, an early riser, a nibbles and wine constitute a meal believer...
it doesn't get any better than this.
My poor deck - she misses me.
For me, holidays mean letting loose. Literally.

-loosening the structure/routine around here as work, care and activities take a break
-loosening our belts as we (over)indulge
-loosening bedtimes to accommodate carols, Christmas lights, longer evenings and socialising
-loosening the dress code as bathers become a suitable outfit (for my boys, anyway)
-loosening the tedium of household chores as bbqs and outdoor living ramp up
-loosening the hold of mother guilt as I can slow down the tempo and be more Magoo led
-loosening the mother-of-dog guilt as we spend more time time at home and outdoors with our gorgeous four legged one
-loosening the "hurry the heck up" jaw clench as we can take.our.sweet.sweet.time

Have a fabulous loose weekend.
If you'll excuse me, we've got weddings, parties, carols and Ikea storage to attend to.
Wooooooo hooo!

Shar :-)


Anonymous said...

Good one Shar perfect time of year for 'loosening up' Seriously have pool deck evny now!!

The barefoot lifting witch said...

I could do with a bit of loosening myself!
Have yourself a very Merry Christmas!! xx

Mrs M said...

just a few more days for me. can't wait. enjoy your break.

posie blogs Jennie McClelland said...

Yay, weddings at Christmas, gorgeous!! Happy swimming & sunshiny happiness, love Posie

All For Love said...

Oooo I'm lovin' the vibe Shar... lovin. the. vibe. Tis the season and all. Have fun hun :o) xo

Peggy said...

I love this. I feel EXACTLY the same way once I start my leave in another week. Hooray sista! Enjoy. xo

ps...I heart summer.

Kate @ Our Little Sins said...

Third time lucky...

Yes, wine and nibbles does constitute a meal. In our house it's called 'special dinner'! Seriously.

I'm in love with your deck. You ever feel like doing a house swap just let me know!

Happy loosening. Sounds like it's going to be a terrific time. x

Nicole said...

I can relate to

Here here. x

Maxabella said...

Now that is one beautiful deck and lots of beautiful thoughts, Shar. You've made me more excited about being on holidays. I was a bit 'all those endless hours to fill' but now I think I'll just be grateful for that and chill out!!

Merry Christmas to you, lovely. x

Life Love and Hiccups said...

I am slightly in love with your deck. i could sit there for hours!
I am all for getting loose baby so bring it on :) lol xx