Monday, November 14, 2011

Point + Shoot : My Husband, My Hero

Saturday - 8:00pmish.
(It's hard to know. I wrote a lot of reports. He fixed a lot of ceiling.)
After an interesting start to the year, my Hubby and I have been enjoying the honeymoon we never had. For a number of months now.

In the midst of this infatuation phase, I often find myself in awe of my husband's knowledge.

How does he know so much stuff?
Stuff about stuff, you know?

Hubby would be the first one to tell you (proudly) that he
 "ain't all that book smarterer or nothin'".
But he's got the smarts.
I am constantly wondering - am I particularly dumb or is Hubby particularly clever - in a real world kind of way?

Recently we were dismantling a trampoline together and a few of the springs were stuck. Super stuck. After much grunting and a few choice words Hubby took off.
He returned a minute later with some tie down straps from his car and created a pulley system to get those suckers loose.
Why didn't I think of that?

You can pick a topic - any topic - and Hubby will know something about it.
A random fact, a statistic, an inappropriate joke.
Or all of the above.

Socially, Hubby can hold a long winded conversation with absolutely anyone.
No matter their profession, interest, hobby, political view or sport - Hubby's got something relevant to say or ask on the subject.

Although I'm fairly independent, when something is seriously broken or seriously gross, I know I have an excellent back up plan in my Hubby.

There's not a job that Hubby won't attempt
(as opposed to complete, you understand?)

Over the course of this weekend alone Hubby has turned his hand or head to:
ceiling fixing and painting,
electrical work,
site work, 
pool filter repair,
tantrum taming, (without great success unfortunately
child psychology, (also with limited success)
paddling, (with much success - congratulations hon)
food review,
Irish folk music,
set top box retuning,
laundry design,
drafting and
television shopping. (As in buying a t.v., not stupid infomercials.)

He does listen to talkback and hate on his grey hairs these days - so maybe he's just wise?

Oh - and he's cute.
I get to go to 'Ladies Night' and spend the evening thinking how uncanny it is that one of the 'entertainers' looks just like my husband? True.

Joining Lou for some Point + Shoot (with optional ramble) @ Sunny + Scout

Shar :-)

No honey, this is not intended to be compensation for the hours I've spent on school reports this week.
Although, your enthusiastic, industrious approach and innovative thinking have made you a pleasure to have in the household this year.


April @ Composed by April said...

My husband is a bit like yours, he knows lots of little things about everything.

I did have to laugh to myself though when putting new posts in for our veranda I mentioned how I had the pole resting on top of the support. He agreed and said "yes, that is where I told you to put it". He then cut the timber and nailed it in and couldn't work out why it wasn't straight. Probably because when he measured the timber was on top of the support, not up against it like when he nailed it in.

The cursed even more when he realised I knew this all along and he didn't listen to me ;)

All through our renovations he has attempted everything, and succeeeded at most things. We now agree that plastering is not in our skill level.

Karla {Ironmum Karla} said...

Oh sounds like we both chose well in our hubby's. I have an all in one handy man as well, I haven't seen him shy away from a problem yet. Makes such a difference, but he did say just this morning all he seems to do is run around fixing problems for women lately (2lil girls snapping at his heels!)x

Peggy said...

Ok I have handyman husband envy! I wouldn't let my sweetheart hubby loose with a hammer I'm afraid. But he can cook a mean meal and doesn't mind doing the laundry. And he is an AWESOME father. But yes, no handyman traits here. I am the handyman in our household. That would be ME fixing the ceiling! ;)

Unknown said...

Can I borrow him for a few days?!

My husband was chuffed that he managed to turn on the whipper snipper this weekend and then blew leaves off the driveway.

I'm the handyman in our house, lol.

(No offence honey!)

Unknown said...

Sounds like you have yourself a keeper! Good for you!

Teresa said...

That is a very impressive list for one weekend - not sure other handy men could include Irish folk music and immigration on their weekend 'to do lists'.

Teresa said...

P.s also very impressed that he takes safety so seriously - his choice of high visibility shirt is noted and to be commended - you can never be to careful ;)

Megan Blandford said...

My husband is the king of useless information - it's hilarious what he stores in his head!

All For Love said...

Oh this is so sweet Shar, I can feel the love in this post. It's a beautiful thing. Hubby sounds like an absolute keeper. I'd like it if my hubby could swap a bit of his academic prowess with a bit of Mr Fixit, a jack of all trades would be great ;o) xo

My Beautiful World said...

You lucky lady my LOML is helpful but nowhere near as handy as yours I could do with a handyman around my home. Hope you have a lovely day

Always Wendy

Sweaty said...

The best thing about this lovely post, is how it oozes love and admiration that you have for your hubby. And that's just so beautiful and precious. I hope that both of you would always find something wonderful about each other. I just love couples like you, who only have 'eyes for each other.' It really made me believe in romance! xoxo.

Life Love and Hiccups said...

Definately a keep you have there hun :)
My hubby is very handy, but has a bad habit of procrastinating, so I have to be a real nag to get stuff done. I have learnt the best way to get him moving, is get his tools out and make like I am going to do it myself. Works everytime! xx

The barefoot lifting witch said...

That is so sweet. I go through fazes like these. Post ovulation I am in complete adoration of my husband. A couple of days right before, he can do no right poor guy. At least I understand that it's completely hormonal. It's a nice feeling to have snagged one of the good ones :-)