I am quite touched by how supportive this little readership is.
The crux of anorexia (or many obsessions) is not vanity as we may initially think or assume, but control.
('Cause seriously, what's attractive about self loathing?)
The key to recovering from anorexia, for me, meant understanding and accepting that I can't - and don't need to - control everything.
Accepting that bad things will happen to good people - even worse - good people who I love dearly. Things that I can't 'fix'. (Yeah. I'm talking about things like you, cancer.)
Accepting that I will make mistakes.
That it is more important to acknowledge and repair the damage, than to justify or erase the mistake.
Accepting that trying to control others is futile and unnecessary.
Accepting that people will choose to live their life in whatever manner they see fit - and if it bears little consequence to me - then I have to live and let live.
Not live and convince them to live like me.
Accepting that letting something or someone control me is equally as unhealthy as wanting to control others.
Accepting that while we are shaped by the events and people in our past, it is our current attitude that is paramount.
Accepting that youth is over-rated.
Aging, the right relationships and motherhood have brought a huge sense of acceptance to my life.
Self acceptance and acceptance of others.
I have never felt happier.
Not always manic-jump-on-the-roof-and-scream-it-far-and-wide happiness.
But often in a beautiful, contented way.
Occasionally, I'll be self aware enough to realise just how UNanxious I actually am.
It's a-nice, yes?
So this week I am grateful for all this acceptance in my heart, for the acceptance that comes with true relationships and for the acceptance that poured through my little blog yesterday.
Thanks again.
(Okay. I'll go back to blogging about lip gloss and blower vacs to lighten the mood around here now!)
Linking with Maxabella Loves' Grateful For..
Shar :-)
Oh yes, isn't it funny what comes with a bit of time, perspective, age & acceptance!! It's so so important to feel accepted & accept yourself - that's the hardest. Love Posie
Congratulations on reaching that level of acceptance. It's a long road with life getting messy and in the way all the time!
You're a wise (still young) lady, Shar.
P.s I received one of those ridiculous brochures with a man vacuuming today and I thought of you and smiled. Xo
You are such a wise, thoughtful human being Shar. Just love to be around your words, I do. I totally agree on the point about youth being over-rated. I long for the day when I wake up and feel completely content in my skin, with my decisions and with the people in my life. I am really getting there, but I believe I still have a bit of the obsession with youth lingering around me. My Mama and sister-in-laws are incredible inspiration, as they have reached that golden mark, where life is just darn good, regardless of what anyone else is doing around them. Thanks for another great post xo
Love this - acceptance is a great word to focus on. I am focused on letting go and i think acceptance in the ways you listed is a nice flip side of letting go (letting go of that need to control, letting go of the need to avoid mistakes...). Thank you.
A stunning post, Shar. All power to you, my friend! You are such an inspiration. J x
as I sit here reading this weary from a night on the town, I too accept that age happens and I cannot party like I used to.
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