Sunday, October 14, 2012

Point + Shoot : Nuthin' Special

The weekend here was nuthin' special.
But special in it's nuthin'-ness.

We enjoyed some time around the house
- just hanging out, catching up on chores and making that gorgeous baby smile at us.

We walked, scooted, shopped, bbq-ed with my cousin and played with the neighbours.

We took our time and took the mickey.
Hubby and I might not be sharing the same bed at the moment,
but it's comforting to know that we still share the same sense of humour
- which often seems to be at the expense of our children.
Luckily, they're a never ending source of material!

How was your weekend?

And Magoo would like to know why we can't have those three day weekends every weekend.
why can't we?
An extra day would have gone down a treat with me.

Linking with Lou's Point + Shoot
point + shoot
Shar :-)


sascedar said...

Are you kidding? these are super special! is that a smile already? and glad to know i'm not the only one who thinks they are in a 24hour comedy duo with the hubs. also usually at kids expense. cause they are funny. :)sarah

Mrs M said...

looks pretty spesh from where I'm sitting.

Lisa said...

Those weekends where you do nothing much are often the best! x

Em said...

Sounds like a perfect weekend