Wednesday, March 21, 2012

52 Week Project : Wk 27

So I'm not actually naked here in my garage.
I just feel it.

See, I'm standing in the spot where my car should be.
But it's not.

Or wasn't.
It was just being serviced.

Cue the violins.
It's a first world drama - she's carless for a day.
Boo to the hoo.

It's a big deal for me to relinquish my wings wheels for a day!

Not because I live in a remote location or fear a medical emergency or am
responsible for a group of underprivileged children who rely on me for transport.

Not even because of the logistical hassle.
My local and lovely mechanic actually picked up my car
in the morning and dropped it back that evening.

Not because of commitments - it wasn't a swimming, pre-kindy or work day.
We deliberately had no plans.

Not because I dread having to, heaven forbid, use two feet and a heartbeat.
I love being active.
But I love being active with more than a 10km radius and a with a bootful
of whatever the heck I decide to take, buy or deliver.

It's a big deal for me because I like going places.
In my car.
Often, numerous times a day.

It's no fancy, shmancy vehicle by any means.
But it gets me from A to B (and to I - for Ikea, of course!)
And I like going to B (and C, D, E and any of the other 21...)

Now, now before you get too teared up with sympathy...
Magoo and I enjoyed a lovely 'home' day.
We walked to the park, washed every item of bedding in the house, gardened, read, played, cooked and actually got a little surprise when our car reappeared that night.

Are you an environmentally unfriendly, road-travel-aholic like me?
Or do you have more substance than that?!

Linking with Fi's 52 Week Project @ My Mummy Daze
The 52 Week Project

Shar :-)


My Mummy Daze said...

Totally get where you're coming from Shar. And isn't it always the way though, that the day that you can't use your car, you actually really need it! Although by the sounds of it, it was probably good for you guys to have a quiet day at home :)

All For Love said...

I struggle without my car too Shar, it's pathetic. Though lately, I have been doing without it a lot more. The days Angus is in preschool, we walk to and from and then I always walk into the local shops with Felix in the pram. The car doesn't get touched for 2 whole days and I like it. Seems you CAN teach an old dog new tricks.
And how about your mechanic dropping off and picking up, that right there would take away all my hassle in getting the car serviced. Brilliant!
Lovely semi-naked shot too xoxo

Karla {Ironmum Karla} said...

pre kids I was anti car, I use to ride or walk everywhere if I could. Now, couldnt live without it - it would totally stress me to live without it!xx

Anonymous said...

Im ready for a home day, car or no car, lovely photos xx

Lauren said...

i struggle without mine, only because we live 20 minutes from the nearest anything!! although, i could stay at home and potter around doing LOTS of jobs if i didn't have it. it would be a good excuse ;)

Kate @ Our Little Sins said...

Road-travel-aholic... I used to walk but with two kids and a dodgy double pusher my knees and hips and shoulders can't take it. The car it is for us!!

Lee said...

Oh yeah! I can't stand being at home all day with the kids messing the place up and driving me insane. I have got to get out and that mostly means in the car.

Great photo and I love your glasses. xx