Letting me know that holidays are to be earned if they're to really be appreciated.
Most definitely half full |
The social calender is filled to capacity.
School's in - in a biiig way.
Renovations are revving up.
Commitments are calling in all at once.
Ye old lists are my new, old best friends again.
The pressure is mounting.... and I'm loving it!
I work best this way, it seems.
Deadlines, dates, lists, efficiency bordering on neuroses.
I feel very much alive and kicking!
As long as I don't lose sight of how utterly blissful it is lying there in the moment, tearing up with those pudgy little fingers on my face (Magoo's - not Hubby's) or how important it is to stop and truly listen, busy is my friend.
I could choose to pee and moan, couldn't I?
Poor me.
I am lucky enough to have family, friends, communities, gatherings, a home, fulfilling work, healthy
Woe to be me.
My life is full. My heart is full. My brain is probably over-full.
A chain-poem-thing I've read in the past springs to my dizzy head - about being grateful for the snoring beside you because it means you have a partner, about being grateful for the piles of washing because you have a family (a family with an extensive wardrobe, it seems!), about being grateful for cleaning because it means you have a home to maintain.
I get that.
I feel that.
I'm grateful for every last person, group and commitment that bulges out of my diary right now.
I am busily blessed - and destined to outrun boredom as long as I shall live.
Linking up with other Gratefuls over @ beautiful Maxabella Loves.

Shar :-)
Oh I am loving your positive outlook. Appreciating what you do have instead of what you don't, smiling that you are not bored rather than grumbling as you are too busy.
You're my kind of gal running-all-year-round Mummy! :)
Cheers to that, Shar!! I also like to be super busy and sometimes it gets a bit tooooo pressured, but I'd rather that than to have nothing to occupy myself with. Of course, every now and then I just crash in a heap and let the world go by for a while too. x
that poem thingy is lovely and so true. it's so easy to lose sight of the wonderful reasons we have piles of washing and a gazillion things going on.
enjoy those pudgy fingers. soon they'll be all slimmed down and he'll be wanting the car keys.
happy sunday shar, x
Oh you're awesome Shar, no question about it. Love your glass half full attitude and totally 'get' your chain poem reference, those words are so very true. Your energy is contagious. Happy weekend to you :o) xo
Yep, you got it right there! I always try to think what it would be like not having all of that, and just to live in the moment and be blessed and happy with what I have.
You just never know what is around the corner, so enjoy today.
And I also thrive when I am busy, I just have to be organised!
It is that time of year isn't it. I am so looking forward to the break, and love checking things off the list as they creep closer and closer!
What a great way of looking at the silly season!
Shar, this post, your blog just radiates positivity - I love it!
What a fabulous attitude!! Isn't it amazing how our perspective can change everything?
Busily blessed. I love that one :) Good way to look at the coming couple of months up to the end of the year.
Love it love it love it and think you are pretty damn cool too :) xx
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