Becoming an Aussie
(marrying an Aussie and creating an Aussie).
We've come a long way baby.
From the early days when some kind folk lent my new-to-Australia-and-fridgeless Irish family a big old esky...
And we took turns sitting on the special 'box seat' for days - until someone explained it's actual purpose to us.
Becoming a teacher
(not marrying a teacher, hopefully not creating a teacher).
I just love my (part time) work.
The satisfaction, the energy, the hilarity, the generosity, the honesty, the organised chaos of being with a bunch of children all day.
I also love the luxury (that unfortunately some don't have) of carer's leave for days like this week when, in my home and heart, one vomity little man's needs had to come before thirty two not-so-vomity kids' needs.
I love that almost every one of the thirty two asked after my little Magoo on my return today. A very special group of not-so-vomity kids.
Hmmm. Were it not for the vomit on my shoes and the emergency bucket in the background - one would be forgiven for doubting him. They bounce, these kids. |
(marrying a tolerator of blog and creating a likely "blogging is so old school, Mum").
I'm always inspired by the beauty that's to be found out here in the blogosphere.
And astounded by the kindness, openness and support of 'virtual' friends since I first hesitantly tip tapped away here earlier in the year.
Thank you blog buddies!
Linking up with other Gratefuls,
this week being hosted @ the lovely Mira Narnie

Happy weekend.
Shar :-)
love this. it's all about change. we're all becoming something. x
Oh, I love that last one. Can you only imagine what will be the ``in thing'' when our littlies are older? Scary!
Love it! What a great list of grateful.
Visiting via Grateful.
wonderful things to be grateful for. and I did have a little laugh about the esky.
Shar, I do love your posts and your unique way of writing, always makes me smile :o)
It's comforting to know someone else's shoes become the victim of a vomit attack too. A few weeks ago, I was still wearing my best work shoes... when... let's just say I'm grateful for fabric protector for shoes!
Glad to hear Magoo bounced back quickly. They're remarkable at doing that :o) xo
Glad your little man is better.
Congrats on becoming an Aussie. I remember the day I did - 28 years after I arrived here from NZ, motivated by the fact that I wanted to vote.
one day I too hope to complete my degree and teach... one day.
Have a gorgeous weekend. x
You're a good one, Shar. x
love it! What a great way to look at things.
We are always becoming and evolving!
love love love it! suspect mine will be the same as the last too.
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